
Personal Immersion Retreats

Beyond your personal and professional horizon

Much of today’s workforce is conflicted by how they want to live vs. how they are currently living. Many people feel their lives are getting out of control. They feel stuck in a daily struggle driven by someone else’s agenda; worried that what they are meant to be doing is slipping away.

Your life and business can only grow to the extent that you grow. Live with Intent offers a clear, direct plan for choosing new horizons and living a fulfilling life. By employing 12 principles and practical approaches garnered over two decades of helping individuals and organizations grow, Thomas and Justin guide you through a blueprint anyone can use to reinvent themselves personally and professionally.

Corporate Immersion Week

Becoming an extraordinary leader

“We live in a world that is “demanding by design”. It changes at a very fast pace. As leaders, we cannot take advantage of new opportunities or resolve existing challenges based on our current way of thinking. The Live with Intent Immersion Week will serve as the foundation for a transformational journey. This immersion experience will become a reference for anyone who would like to leave a mark in his/her life at a personal and professional level. I have worked with both authors at difference times in my career and have had the privilege to see real time, how the principles described in this book transform people lives. So yes, change, fulfilment and success, are all possible. By immersing yourself in Live with Intent, you have a wonderful chance to expand your horizons and to live with intent.”

Alvaro Soto, Sub Regional Head LATAM — Roche Pharmaceuticals.


Three Integrated Learning Tracks

The full immersion program follows three integrated tracks:

  • Individual Learning Track where you will work with a coach through a strength-based methodology for growing your value add. This is an inside-out approach to personal effectiveness. Reflecting on and further building your character and competencies will result in a more meaningful life.
  • Group Learning Track where you will work together with a cohort on managerial effectiveness and digital executive performance topics. How we think and work together in a fast-moving global economy is essential to creating the future you want.
  • Business Project Track where you will hone your problem solving, stakeholder management, presentation, communication and collaboration skills while tackling real business problems you face.

Your Takeaways

Creating your future starts by reimagining and sincerely longing for a compelling horizon. A horizon you may feel is unreachable or even impossible. Rather than encouraging you to aim low and focus only on easily-achieved horizons, we will instead urge you to pursue a future without fear or self-doubt clouding the picture. We encourage you to picture a horizon that is not built on somebody else’s beliefs or wishes, or a sense of what you think you should want. Living with intent is based on what you truly, in your most private, honest moments, really do want for yourself and your business.

Life is demanding by design. You will learn how to continuously reimagine your horizons and tap into your own unique genius and talent.

Business Adventure Expeditions

We have become much more aware of how sharing adventures together creates a connection that is difficult to duplicate in a formal setting. Meeting in the open air surrounded by nature seems to open people up to giving and receiving feedback at a different level than we experience in the board room.
Living with intent is about making conscious choices about how we spend our time and energy. Combining adventure and thinking time with business magnifies your talents for creating value.

New ideas get more consideration. Letting go of control comes more easily. Growth comes more naturally because people tend to let down their guard. The desire to explore how to work together in making a unique difference intensifies.


What does a Business Adventure Expedition look like? Here is one example: